How Art Matters. And How It Means. IV part.2022 Attila Csörgő: Occurrence Graph II (infinity). Work discussed by curators Tevž Logar and Vladimir Vidmar.
How Art Matters. And How It Means. III part.2022 Nicolas Robbio, Tension study 1 (from the cosmovision series at ninety degrees). Work discussed by artist Alenka Pirman, and curator Vladimir Vidmar.
How Art Matters. And How It Means. II part.2022 Goran Petercol: Strictly Determined Work (from the Polichromies series), 1980. Work discussed by curator Vladimir Vidmar, and philosopher Robert Pfaller.
METAMODERNIZEM, 2021 Maruša Sagadin, Smal but dangers (Mateja Rojc in Simon Hudolin), Aleksandar Garbin, Anja Jelovšek curator: Vladimir Vidmar