4 FROGS, 2021
01.07. 2021 – 25. 07. 2021,DUM project space, Kolodvorska 6, Ljubljana
Marco Andrea Magni, Benjamin Jones, Francesco De Prezzokustos
curator: Nicola Mafessoni
4 Frogs
There is a subtle connection linking these varied media: conceptual art, paintings and photography. These three artists, from different countries (Switzerland, Italy, England), have in common an attitude and approach.
All three are trying to reveal a simplification of poetry, p
resented through a minimalist taste: elegant and beautiful. This is very often offered to the viewer by conciseness and a request of attention, requiring effort.
Marco Andrea Magni (born in 1975, in Switzerland) has a chemical approach and explores the conditions of possibility and chance by restoring the corporal experience that has dissolved into a sculpture. He deals for example with the invisibility of magnetism, golds beauty and the weight of paper.
Francesco De Prezzo (born in 1994, in Italy) has interest in painting with plaster, cement and industrial colours, reproducing small installations composed in the studio and subsequently reformulated / denied on the canvas, adding value by subtracting from the elements represented observing the final result of this process, triggered by addition. It all concerns time within painting.
Benjamin Jones (born in 1994, in UK) works on different lines of enquiry. His research is concentrated and casual, momentary and long form; made up of simultaneously developed, interlinked strands. It’s a glance and sustained gaze, planned and happenstance. Photography is central to all of it, providing the possibility for both documentation and reinterpretation; it allows the collection of that which is seen and experimentation with what can’t be. Years ago he gave me a book by Jochen Lempert. The title of the book was “4 Frogs”.