I would’ve been a palm tree. 2023/2012

idea / choreography: Mateja Bučar , dance: Mateja Bučar / Kristina Aleksova, visual concept: Vadim Fishkin, text: Renata Salecl, sound and music: Borut Savski, Errorist…, software: Miha Grčar, Vladislav Zdolnikov

production: DUM – Društvo Umetnikov / DUM – Association of Artists
Project is supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia , Cultural Department of the City of Ljubljana

The perversity of fortunes, which is called reality, is a flux of various interpretations or even creations of human mind.
I Would Have Been a Palm Tree« lightly touches many projections of the changing world and ourselves in it – it waves into the toughts and dreams of many truths escaping and resisting to be controlled it also wants to envision the thought of Walter Benjamin saying: it seems necessary to be able to “break through” the hierarchy of beings as we know it and think how to place ourselves “beyond” life,…

The performance is also based on an earlier (2012) experiment – a dance installation – researching movement (and dance) that is all the time“hooked” into the center of the space, however, it continuously deals with the space around it.